Remotely-Controlled Autonomous TricycleBot Locomotion via SuperBot
Feili Hou, Nadeesha Ranasinghe, Behnam Salemi, and Wei-Min Shen . Remotely-Controlled Autonomous TricycleBot Locomotion via SuperBot. In Proc. 2007 IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Diego, CA, November 2007. IROS 2007 Workshop on Self-Reconfigurable Robots, Systems & Applications
This paper presents a new gait called tricycleBot, which is implemented on a reconfigurable modular robot called SuperBot. In this paper, the design of SuperBot is first reviewed, and then the configuration design and locomotion control of tricycleBot is described. Two different wireless controllers are used to remotely control tricycleBot. Experiment results show that tricycleBot is capable of carrying payloads more than 5 times of its own weight with satisfactory speed. It can also be steered remotely to move forward/backward, turn left/right, and travel over 1 km on a fully charged set of batteries in a carpeted office environment, or over 2 km on a smooth marble surface.
BibTeX Entry
@InProceedings{ hou2007remotely-controlled-autonomous-tricyclebot-locomotion-via-superbot, abstract = {This paper presents a new gait called tricycleBot, which is implemented on a reconfigurable modular robot called SuperBot. In this paper, the design of SuperBot is first reviewed, and then the configuration design and locomotion control of tricycleBot is described. Two different wireless controllers are used to remotely control tricycleBot. Experiment results show that tricycleBot is capable of carrying payloads more than 5 times of its own weight with satisfactory speed. It can also be steered remotely to move forward/backward, turn left/right, and travel over 1 km on a fully charged set of batteries in a carpeted office environment, or over 2 km on a smooth marble surface.}, address = {San Diego, CA}, author = { Feili Hou and Nadeesha Ranasinghe and Behnam Salemi and Wei-Min Shen }, booktitle = iros-07, month = nov, note = {IROS 2007 Workshop on Self-Reconfigurable Robots, Systems & Applications}, title = {Remotely-Controlled Autonomous TricycleBot Locomotion via SuperBot}, year = {2007} }