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NASA beefs up its "SuperBot," has video to prove it

We've seen this modular bot around, but it's really starting to come into its own, with all sorts of twisting and flexing and joining to keep it occupied for hours. NASA's plan for the bot is for a future robotic system that is "modular, multifunctional and self-reconfigurable," and this SuperBot that USC is developing seems to fit the bill. Each module has its own power supply, sensors and communication, and with a few degrees of movement and six connecting faces there are plenty things the bots can do when joined as a team -- a SuperBot, if you will. It's not much use explaining it, you just have to see it for yourself, so peep the read link for action vids galore, then head to the comments and get a bit of "I for one..." out of your system.

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Russ Savage @ Feb 22nd 2007 11:22PM

why do I feel that in 100 years we'll find this video on googletube as a huge joke on what robots used to be like, and we'll watch it with our cyborg companions. they'll always be there for us,..... not like you samantha... not like you.

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Stu L Tissimus @ Feb 22nd 2007 11:2 PM

I for one welcome our new crawling, wiggling, rolling robotic overlords.

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grjohnston @ Feb 22nd 2007 11:36PM

I, for one, welcome the new wheel.

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Ferny @ Feb 23rd 2007 12:39AM

At first I thought the "superbot" was an engagement ring

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Chris Grant @ Feb 23rd 2007 1:04AM

Damn, that thing is *loud* ... wonder what that high-pitched noise is?

 Replies: 2  |  Reply
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Dixonij @ Feb 23rd 2007 1:39AM

That would be its self-sentience program kicking in...

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Justin @ Feb 23rd 2007 2:33AM

they're just copying the constructicons (decepticons were always ahead of their time =)

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Taylor @ Feb 23rd 2007 6:31AM

Probably digital servos, or just motors with digital control (which, with feedback, IS basically a digital servo...), because those things hum. I'm building a robot with some nice digital servos right now, and it makes the same noise. Loud as hell, and really annoying...

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DrWho @ Feb 23rd 2007 8:29AM

Not much chance of one of those robot overlords sneaking up on you.

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marc @ Feb 23rd 2007 12:28PM

i for one am shocked no one has made a voltron comment

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Lucas @ Feb 23rd 2007 1:21PM

OK is it just me or are these Alpha models of the REPLICATORS from SG-1 ? Scarry.

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sendeth @ Feb 25th 2007 1:52AM

damn that samantha............


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