Surprise-based developmental learning and experimental results on robots
Nadeesha Ranasinghe and Wei-Min Shen. Surprise-based developmental learning and experimental results on robots. In icdl-09, Shanghai, China, June 2009.
Learning from surprises and unexpected situations is a capability that is critical for developmental learning. This paper describes a promising approach in which a learner robot engages in a cyclic learning process consisting of prediction, action, observation, analysis (of surprise) and adaptation. In particular, the robot always predicts the consequences of its actions, detects surprises whenever there is a significant discrepancy between the prediction and the observed reality, analyzes the surprises for causes, and uses the analyzed knowledge to adapt to the unexpected situations. We tested this approach on a modular robot learning how to navigate and recover from unexpected changes in sensors, actions, goals, and environments. The results are very encouraging.
BibTeX Entry
@InProceedings{ranasinghe2009SurpriseBasedResults, abstract = {Learning from surprises and unexpected situations is a capability that is critical for developmental learning. This paper describes a promising approach in which a learner robot engages in a cyclic learning process consisting of prediction, action, observation, analysis (of surprise) and adaptation. In particular, the robot always predicts the consequences of its actions, detects surprises whenever there is a significant discrepancy between the prediction and the observed reality, analyzes the surprises for causes, and uses the analyzed knowledge to adapt to the unexpected situations. We tested this approach on a modular robot learning how to navigate and recover from unexpected changes in sensors, actions, goals, and environments. The results are very encouraging.}, address = {Shanghai, China}, author = {Nadeesha Ranasinghe and Wei-Min Shen}, booktitle = icdl-09, month = jun, title = {Surprise-based developmental learning and experimental results on robots}, year = {2009} }