TENTACLES: Self-Configuring Robotic Radio Networks in Unknown Environments
Harris Chi Ho Chiu, Bo Ryu, Hua Zhu, Pedro Szekely, Rajiv Maheswaran, Craig Rogers, Aram Galstyan, Behnam Salemi, Mike Rubenstein, and Wei-Min Shen. TENTACLES: Self-Configuring Robotic Radio Networks in Unknown Environments. In Proc. 2009 IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, St. Louis, MO, October 2009.
This paper presents a bio-inspired, distributed control algorithm called TENTACLES for a group of radio robots to move, self-configure and maintain communication between some critical entities (such as humans, command centers, or other systems) in an unknown environment. The basic idea is to direct robots� explorative movements to grow tentacles from entities and establish links when tentacles meet. This approach can self-heal failures of robots and improve communication coverage and quality over time. Experiments in simulations and real robots have shown positive results.
BibTeX Entry
@InProceedings{chiu2009TENTACLES, abstract = {This paper presents a bio-inspired, distributed control algorithm called TENTACLES for a group of radio robots to move, self-configure and maintain communication between some critical entities (such as humans, command centers, or other systems) in an unknown environment. The basic idea is to direct robots� explorative movements to grow tentacles from entities and establish links when tentacles meet. This approach can self-heal failures of robots and improve communication coverage and quality over time. Experiments in simulations and real robots have shown positive results.}, address = {St. Louis, MO}, author = {Harris Chi Ho Chiu and Bo Ryu and Hua Zhu and Pedro Szekely and Rajiv Maheswaran and Craig Rogers and Aram Galstyan and Behnam Salemi and Mike Rubenstein and Wei-Min Shen}, booktitle = iros-09, month = oct, title = {TENTACLES: Self-Configuring Robotic Radio Networks in Unknown Environments}, year = {2009} }