Media - Catalina

Introductions / News



2010-07-21 First test as ROV
This is the first test as AUV-ROV at the Marine Science institute in Long Beach.
Author(s) PRL
2008-03-19 Initial Buoyancy and Balancing
Balancing and buoyancy adjustment of submarine with autonomous hardware.
Author(s) Behnam Salemi, Nadeesha Ranasinghe
2008-03-19 First low-power autonomous test
First test with low power settings to demonstrate diving, forward, bakcward, turn leff, turn right and rise up motion.
Author(s) Behnam Salemi, Nadeesha Ranasinghe
2008-03-19 First high-power autonomous test
First test with high power settings to demonstrate diving, forward, backward, turn left, turn right and rise up motion.
Author(s) Behnam Salemi, Nadeesha Ranasinghe
2008-03-19 Second high-power autonomous test
Second test with high power settings to demonstrate diving, forward, backward, turn left, turn right and rise up motion.
Author(s) Behnam Salemi, Nadeesha Ranasinghe, Wei-Min Shen, Mike Rubenstein